About Sean

My name is Sean Burke and I currently reside in Columbus, Ohio. I graduated from The Ohio State University in 2011 with degrees in marketing and logistics. I currently work as the Digital Marketing Coordinator at Residential Finance, a mortgage lender headquartered in Columbus.
I first got in to social media while working as a marketing intern for Young Hollywood in Los Angeles, California. After the internship, I did a few additional internships and also did social media consulting work for businesses across the country. I’ve been working at Residential Finance for over year. I currently run all of the social media for Residential Finance among my many other responsibilities.
I enjoy showing the value of social media and how it can positively impact a businesses. Being able to show a positive return on investment is rewarding. I’m a huge fan of Facebook advertisements and love spending my time creating, monitoring, and optimizing. Recently, I became a contributor to FBPPC.com, a blog about Facebook advertising.
Beginning in the fall of 2013, I began pursuing a Master’s in Social Media from the University of Florida. I’m very excited about this new opportunity and look forward to where it will take me.

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