Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Putting Analytics Under the Magnifying Glass

This week I was given a few pages on Facebook and email analytics. It is vital for a business to analyze this information as it can greatly help marketing efforts and increase the return. Put simply, it's important to improve on what's working and either stop or readjust the things that aren't working. Below are my findings.


These few pages of Facebook Analytics provide a surprising amount of data. After looking over the various pages, we can figure out a lot about ABC Company. They have a total of 880 fans on their page. While the “Likes” analytic page is missing, it appears they are headquartered in Orlando, Florida judging by the post reach. ABC Company posts to their Facebook page at least once a day and their average engagement is around 1%. Finally, ABC Company has a fairly large email subscriber list at over 2,600.

Key Findings

A few interesting nuggets of information include:

  • A sizeable portion of the people they reach on Facebook speak Spanish.
  • The number one referral site is Google.
  • Their viral reach has been increasing over the past week. (May 28 to June 2)
  • Nearly 60% of the page’s interactions come from women between the ages of 25 and 44. Men in the same age group account for about 20% on the interaction.

  • The open rate is 25.4%.
  • The click-through rate is 10.9%.
  • They had zero social shares.
  • They had a conversion rate of 0%.
    • (Note: This email may or may not have had a conversion goal.)


After looking over the previous eight posts of ABC Company, I think they could use more variety to boost engagement. Six of the last posts have been status updates and two have been links (one got a lowly 0% engagement). I think the content needs to be more visual. There is a wealth of health-oriented information online from infographs to workout videos. I think these visuals will boost their engagement and increase their social media reach.

The biggest problem with their email campaign is their open rate. The open rate is good, but I think there is always room from improvement. To increase their open rate they could try sending the email at different times of the day or changing up the subject line. Additionally, their click-through rate is low. To improve this they could have clearer calls to action that encourage clicks. For example, “Don’t let the newest “superfood” fool you. Click here to find out the truth.”

Other Channels

Having a health blog would be great. It seems like there is a new story about food or exercise coming out daily. ABC Company could easily capitalize off these trends and create a few blog posts every week. This content would transition well over to their Facebook page and in their email content.

With women primarily interacting with their content, Pinterest seems like a no-brainer. Simply aggregating the health information on Pinterest would be beneficial, as they would naturally grow a following. They could use Pinterest to find visual Facebook content and also post any blogs they create to Pinterest as well. This will hopefully resonate well with their female audience.

Finally, ABC Company should be on Instagram. Once again, it all goes back to visuals. The health industry is full of visual things ranging from food to exercising. ABC Company could post photos of food and quick facts about the health benefits. They could also record short videos of proper workout techniques. Once again, this content can be easily shared to other social media properties or included in their email campaigns.

Future Campaigns

Spanish Audience
While I do not have access to their “Like” Analytics, I would expect a portion of their fans to speak Spanish as well. I would try out a post written in Spanish. If they are scared of alienating their fans, maybe wait until a Mexican holiday and test the waters with festive post.

Email Social Shares
To increase the amount of social shares on the email, they could use the same content from their Facebook page. Assuming they keep their 1% Facebook engagement rate, out of 661 opens they could get 6 shares on social media. It may not seem like a lot, but free marketing is free marketing.

Email Audiences
If possible, I would be interested to see what happens if ABC Company broke out their email list into separate groups. Judging by their Facebook audience’s interactions, women are much more interested in the content. Perhaps they could test a gender-specific email blast to see if they achieve higher click-throughs.

Based on the analytics provided, how would you help ABC Company?

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